Monday, January 19, 2015

Amy Pejkovic for Sunday Life Magazine

Our Olypmic star Amy Pejkovic features in this weeks Sunday Life magazine looking beautiful as ever!

What are you training for?
The upcoming domestic track and field season. I’m hoping to make it to the World Championships in Beijing this year, then the Rio Olympics in 2016.
What diet do you follow?
I eat three healthy meals a day and I snack on fruit – although I do have cheat days. I have a massive sweet tooth. I try to drink plenty of water and stay away from fizzy drinks.
What does your training program consist of?
It varies from day to day, taking into consideration my work commitments [she was recently made the face of Country Road Active]. It can include sprints/cardio, technical jumps and
weights. I do up to nine sessions a week.
In 2012 you had a serious health scare. What happened?
When I was 19 I was diagnosed with a pilocytic astrocytoma, a brain tumour, five centimetres in diameter. I don’t like talking about it too much as it gets me all worked up. (Amy writes about having
surgery to remove the brain tumour and how it affected it her on her blog,
What is your greatest ambition?
To make it to the Olympics and win a medal. And to walk in the Victoria’s Secret show!